High scores

Position User Speed(WPM) Accuracy
1 Md. Sihab Uddin 30 97 %
2 Md. Sihab Uddin 17 87 %
3 Md. Sihab Uddin 17 85 %
Position User Speed(WPM) Accuracy
Position User Speed(WPM) Accuracy
1 Md. Sihab Uddin 30 97 %
2 Md. Sihab Uddin 25 94 %
3 Md. Sihab Uddin 17 87 %
4 Md. Sihab Uddin 17 85 %
Position User Speed(WPM) Accuracy
Position User Speed(WPM) Accuracy
1 Md. Sihab Uddin 32 93 %
2 sihab 31 99 %
3 SOHEL RANA 30 99 %
4 Md. Sihab Uddin 30 97 %
5 Md. Sihab Uddin 25 94 %
6 Md. Sihab Uddin 23 91 %
7 Md. Sihab Uddin 18 89 %
8 Md. Sihab Uddin 17 87 %
9 Md. Sihab Uddin 17 85 %
10 SOHEL RANA 14 96 %
11 sihab 13 96 %
Position User Speed(WPM) Accuracy

Mastering Typing Speed and Techniques

Learn effective strategies to enhance your typing speed, including tips on optimal finger placement, the history of keyboard layouts, and benchmarks for professional typists. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, discover how to achieve faster and more accurate typing with expert guidance. Read Blogs

How to Improve My Typing Speed

To enhance your typing speed, begin by relaxing and taking deep breaths. Stay focused and calm during speed tests. The key to improving is consistent practice. The more you type, the better your speed and muscle memory will become. Focus on developing good habits to avoid finger strain during long typing sessions.

What's the Best 10-Finger Typing Technique?

For efficient typing, using all ten fingers is crucial, but finding a comfortable layout is key. Begin with a setup that feels natural; the small bumps on the F and J keys aid in finger placement without visual assistance. This setup allows for optimal finger movement and speed improvement with practice. Consider exploring ergonomic alternatives for enhanced typing comfort. For those seeking a challenge, the Dvorak keyboard offers a unique approach, though it diverges from traditional layouts.

The History and Design of the QWERTY Keyboard

The QWERTY keyboard was invented in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes, who also created the first successful typewriter. Sholes designed the keyboard layout by strategically placing keys to prevent jamming caused by consecutive key presses of common letter combinations. This layout remains in use today as the most prevalent keyboard design worldwide.

Typing Speed Average: What You Need to Know

The average typing speed for most individuals ranges from 38 to 40 words per minute (WPM), equating to approximately 190 to 200 characters per minute (CPM). In contrast, professional typists typically achieve speeds of 65 to 75 WPM.

What is CPM (Characters Per Minute) and How to Calculate It?

CPM measures how many characters you type per minute, including errors. Corrected scores count only accurately typed words. WPM (Words Per Minute) is derived by dividing the corrected CPM by five, adhering to the global standard.

What is Considered a Good Words per Minute (WPM) Score Globally?

Typically, an average professional typist achieves speeds ranging from 65 to 75 WPM. For more demanding roles such as dispatch positions and other time-sensitive typing jobs, speeds of 80 to 95 WPM are often required as a minimum. In specialized fields, there are typists who reach speeds exceeding 120 WPM to meet the demands of their work.